Sunday 28 July 2013

The Beginning

Hello All - The First Post Is Calling 

(Maybe with Premonitions Of The Last Post Too)

Well, the time has finally come where I will be sharing my inane and insignificant thoughts with the wider, more socially applicable audience of the internet.

I am expecting this little saunter into the fields of blogging will result in endless refreshing and head in hands grimacing at the lack of visitors to this page. But underlying all that non-reciprocated hope and expectation, lies a tool in which I can vent my feelings and ideas about the world around us and the things that generally inspire me or infuriate me to an extent never thought humanly possible.

I will try and make this blog as humorous as I can whilst dealing with the issues that approach me throughout the following days and weeks and hopefully longer. Everything from news stories, local events and musical extravaganzas will hopefully feature at some point during this blogging experience. This experience will hopefully continue the dwindling embers of my creative writing and intellectual thought, which has hitherto become an addition to my daily life since the bubble shattering grounding of life which typically befalls a recent university graduate. Education and strict rules and deadlines were the intrinsic dogma-based rituals of the months and years recently passed, but has now been eclipsed by the banality of work of the daily tedium and humdrumming of monotonous experiences. 

But that is the past, the future is very much ahead of us and shall be until we tread into the veil of uncertainty and not knowing. This blog will attempt to by a source of light on the past and the future of my life by being an output for somewhat creative thought into the digital lithosphere of these here internets and the ilk of what this future may bring.

Anyways, I believe I have dawdled too long on the road of description and banal repetitiveness, and will  progress now into hitting the post button and sending this tedium fueled, nonsensical gibberish into the digital world.

Goodbye first post, and hopefully hello to many a future one.

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